Favorites Widget


This widget enables portal users to access articles that are frequently read and marked by other users of the portal as Favorites. If this option is activated for a portal, the widget displays the icon . 

KB users can click the icon to mark an Article as favorite and add it to the Favorite link on the Portal Article Display page.
It also keeps track of the number of times the articles have been viewed.

Configuring Favorites

  1. Login to Portal Administration.
  2. Click Edit in the selected portal's row in the Available Portals table.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Scroll to the lines:
  5. Make changes to the Widget as described in the table.    
  6. Click Save

XML Section





<favorites >


Only one instance of the Favorites widget can be implemented per portal. Enable the widget by setting "enabled=true".

Disable the widget by setting "enabled=false

Specify a number between 1-50 to indicate the number of articles to be listed. This is mandatory.

Specify "All" or a number between 1-90 to indicate the number of days. This is mandatory.

<favorites enabled="true"> <numberOfDays>90
</numberOfDays> <numberOfArticles>5


Table : Configuring Favorites Widget