Attributes Widget


This widget provides an alternate way for visitors to access articles. When enabled, an administrator can define the attributes that will appear on the home page. An image can be assigned to each attribute to present a visual navigation experience for portal users. Clicking on the attribute name or image will display the search results page filtered to display articles tagged with the selected attribute.

Configuring the widget

  1. Login to Portal Administration.
  2. Click Edit in a portal's row in the Available Portals list.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Scroll to the lines:
  5. Make changes to the Attributes Widget as described in the table.
  6. Click Save.

XML Section








You can define only one instance of this widget. You can define multiple attributes.

Enable the Attributes Widget by setting "enabled=true".
Disable the widget by setting "enabled=false"

Specify the following:

  •  A numeric value for the 'displayOrder' - the order in which the attribute should be displayed. This is mandatory.
  •  The sub-attribute ID for 'ID'. This is mandatory.
  • An appropriate attribute name for 'name'. This is mandatory. This name will be displayed in the portal Home. The attribute name specified in the KB Admin control panel will not be used.
  • The filename of a graphic that gives a visual identity for the attribute. This is an optional entry. If you wish to use it, provide the file name only, you need not specify the path. Ensure that the size(height and width) of this image matches the dimensions of other images used in the portal, to maintain a uniform and neat display.

<attributesWidget enabled="true">

<attribute displayOrder="1"><id>5</id>

<name>My Product 1</name>



<attribute displayOrder="2">


<name>My Product 2</name> <image>product2.png</image>


Table : Configuring Widget - Attributes

ID of the attribute can be determined from the Administration control panel by moving your mouse over the desired attribute and observing the URL.

Figure : Attribute ID

Important: The title of the widget is defined in the Language option in "Portal Administration".