

The term knowledgebase(KB) refers to the highest level of content-taxonomy. It is a collection of information, comprising:

  •          Articles (Files)
  •          Categories
  •          Links
  •          Resources(files) such as images, video, presentations, audio etc.


The following steps must be completed in the KB Admin Control Panel prior to setting up and using a portal.

  1. One or more knowledgebases(KBs), must be created and their KBID has to be noted.
  2. A    Workflow must be associated with the KB.
  3. Articles must be uploaded to the KB. 
  4. For secure or personalized portals:
    At least one User Group, must be identified for access to the KB.
    Users must be added to the Group and given access permissions.
  5. As a good practice Articles can be arranged into Categories and sub-categories  

For detailed description of the above steps and the KB Admin Control Panel refer Spaces by Moxie™ Knowledge Spaces™ Administrator User Guide.

Configuring a KB in the Portal

One or more KBs for portal users must be set in the portal configuration file.

  1. Login to Portal Administration.
  2. Click Edit in the selected portal's row in the Available Portals table.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Scroll to the line: <!-- KnowledgeBases>. 
  5. Make changes as described in the table.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click View.

XML Section



<kb id> </kb>


Specify the knowledgebase ID and an optional description for the KB.
You can specify multiple KBs.

The portal reads the KB ID value only. The names are for reference only.

<kb id="4">Employees</kb>
&#60;kb id="14"&#62;Support</kb&#62; 
&#60;kb id="21"&#62;Partners&#60;/kb&#62;

Table : Configuring a KB 

The KB(s) pertaining to the KBIDs specified, are available for selected KB users from the portal.
All the portal features configured for the KB, its contents and its users become available as a result.