Creating a Custom Header or Footer


The portal's header and footer can be edited in the configuration file by placing HTML between the <header> or <footer> tags. Completing the header and footer is optional. 
They can be left blank. 

Configuring a Custom Header/Footer

  1. Login to Portal Administration.
  2. Click Edit in the selected portal's row in the Available Portals table.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Scroll to the line: <header>
  5. Make changes to the header/footer as described in the table.

XML Section




<header><![CDATA[ ]]></header>



Specify a text string in this section, that you wish to appear as portal's header. 
All  HTML must be escaped by entering 
<![CDATA[" before the HTML and "]]>" after the HTML as in the examples.


<header><![CDATA[<div class="logoContainer"><imgsrc=

"/Content/images/12/2/logo.png" class="logoImage" />

</div> ]]></header>


<![CDATA[ <div class="header">
<p>This is the header</p>






Specify  a text string in this section, that you wish to appear as portal's footer.

All HTML must be escaped by entering

"<![CDATA[" before the HTML and "]]>" after the HTML as in the examples.


<![CDATA[ ]]></footer>


<div class="footer">
<p>This is the footer</p>
</div> ]]>


While CSS code can be included inline  within the Header and Footer HTML, as a best practice Moxie recommends that you place your CSS code in the portal.css file.