Portal CSS Files


Portals include a set of seven CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files. These files include all definitions for the portal's look and feel. All the elements in the CSS files can be modified.

CSS File Contents
Portal.css The global styles for every screen of a portal.
Foundation.Min.CSS The core styles for a portal's Foundation Framework.
Article.css The styles pertaining to article layout and display on a portal.
Search.css The styles pertaining to the Search parameters, and layout of search output on a portal.
Home.css The styles pertaining to the Home page and its elements on a portal.
Browse.css The styles pertaining to the Browse page layout and display on a portal.
Solutionfinder.css The styles pertaining to the Solution Finder page layout and display on a portal.

Moxie strongly recommends that modifications to these files should only be made by users who are very familiar with CSS definitions. 

Editing a CSS file

  1. Login to Portal Administration
  2. Click Edit in a portal's row in the Available Portals list.
  3. Click CSS.
  4. Click <name>.css. The file's content is displayed in the window.
  5. Make necessary changes.
  6. Click Save

Note: Moxie recommends that Article Templates should NOT contain CSS in the head section of the Template. All references to CSS should be made within the article.css file. 

Note: CSS files are cached for 1 hour. Changes made to the CSS files will be reflected in the portal after 1 hour.